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Curing Post Harvest | What’s Going on in Dave’s Grow?

Curing Jars

Curing after harvest

Hello again friends and welcome to What’s Going on in Dave’s Grow. In my last video I showed my plants coming down., so think of this video as a “part 2” as I show manicuring and curing post harvest. Big shout out to for sending over the trim brush. It worked way better than I expected and reduces the damage done to trichomes in the trimming process.


It’s all about the cure

In this video I talk about curing post harvest. What is curing? Essentially curing is a process that involves aging/drying your cannabis to fine-tune the moisture content and allows you to rid your flower of the remaining sugars and chlorophyll.

A proper cure will ensure that you get the most out of your flower and will bring out all the flavors and aromas from your cannabis. Curing also helps to produce a much smoother consumption experience and reduces that terrible cough we get from harsh flower.

Humidity control

I mention in this video the importance of maintaining the proper humidity control during the curing cycle. Too much humidity can lead to mold and too little will produce dry flower void of all the fun smells and flavor. I have been using Boveda packs during my cure regimen to make sure my flower stays within 45 – 55%Rh range (I use the 49%Rh packets for curing).

Boveda uses a patented saltwater solution in their packets. This technology came from their humidity control packets made exclusively for cigar humidors.  The packets are completely natural and will absolutely keep your flower in that perfect cure zone.

Post cure, I use a 62%Rh packet to help maintain my flower for long term storage. Once you start growing your own at home, you will start to see that you need a long term storage solution. The Boveda packs create a monolayer (or a water barrier) that surrounds the trichomes in your flower. This protects the terpenes and cannabinoids. Once you grind the flower, the water barrier breaks and you can smell the full intensity of your flower.

Boveda 62%Rh

Pick up some Boveda packs here. That’s it for this one and thanks for watching. I will be holding a giveaway soon from the wonderful folks at Electrivo so sign up to my email list to stay informed here.


Happy Gardening!